22 December

The main street in the country carries the name of the country itself. Slovenska cesta literally means Slovenian road. In the past the street was named after the president of Yugoslavia Tito but was changed in 1991 when Slovenia gained independence.

The street runs for about 1.3 km through the city center of Ljubljana, from Bavarski dvor (Bavarian court) to Aškerčeva cesta (Aškerčeva road). Slovenska follows the route of a Roman road that formed a Roman Castrum called Emona that stood here in the past.

In 2015 the main part of the street was closed for car traffic and the street got a new avenue of trees. Today is manly used by pedestrians cyclist and city busses.

It is one of the busiest streets in Ljubljana with a lot of important buildings on it. Among buildings that are on Slovenska are Nebotičnik (Skyscraper), Nama department store, National theater, the Bank of Slovenia and many others.

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