19 December

Ljubljana is a capital of Slovenia. But it was not always a capital of an independent european country. However it always had its place in history.

It was a capital of Carniola, a historical region that was once part of Austrian empire. 

For a brief time in history it held a position of the capital of Illyrian provinces, a short-lived autonomous part of the Napoleonic French Empire.

For a big part of the 20th century Ljubljana was a capital of one of the six socialist republics that formed Yugoslavia.

Since Slovenia gained independence in the 90s, Ljubljana became a capital of a little sovereign nation. With a population of about 300 thousand people, it is one of the smallest capital cities in Europe. Hence the little capital.

Even though Ljubljana is a pocket size city, it still has a lot to offer and is generally a nice place to visit and live.

Placed near the Adriatic sea, the Alps and Pannonian basin and with the influences of neighbouring countries - Italy, Austria, Croatia and Hungary - it offers an interesting mix of architecture, culture, gastronomy etc. It is a perfect weekend retreat for people who want to travel to places with a peculiar name.

It does not have any world famous attraction, so you wont feel rushed exploring the city. With numerous cafes, bookshops, interesting streets and squares with nice views you will feel welcomed. 

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